Monday, May 5, 2008


Okay, so we're appoaching 3 months and all is well, except Lailah WON'T TAKE A BOTTLE! It wasn't until my birthday that I realized IT'S TIME! I tried, and tried, and tried again to give this little lady a bottle, and she screamed, and screamed, and screamed. So after about 45 mins I succumbed to her demands and gave her the breast. HELP ME! I know, I know, I know..I was all about the breast, but no one told me that this would happen! (gotta blame it on somebody) So I'm not giving up, I am determined to get Lailah on a bottle, and am asking for suggestions.

There's not much to report this week other than that Lailah is steadily growing and changing everyday. We spent 2 weeks in PA with Dad and got to see a few family members. Lailah got to spend some much needed time with her father, and even came back with a new "toy". Here are a few pics

Activity Jungle

Lailah and Cousin Mckenzie

Lailah and Aunt Rebecca

Lailah and Cousin Lisa

Lailah and her Dad


cici said...

ah what a cute toy.she is really growing and getting cuter by the minute... now why do you want her to take the bottle???

Chelette said...

okay so I here your dad is coming there on Sunday, please pack Lailah up for her to come and see me.. I can't believe you have cancelled your trip to dc. that SUCKS!.