I don't mean to be cheesy or cliche', but being a mom is so amazing. It's only been three months, but these past three months have been the most fulfilling months of my life. I watch her grow and see how she's starting to explore things and she's just so happy. I love the way she stares at me so innocently and then smiles (she's so silly). I'm so excited to see what's going to happen next. I keep reading ahead in my book to see what to expect. Lailah-Alease is such a blessing in my life, I whole-heartedly treasure every moment we spend together. I used to hear people say "I thank God everyday for..." and I never believed them.I would think "thats impossible, you must forget sometimes". But I honestly thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for my daughter. She's my heart, and motivates me to go back to school, and pursue my goal of becoming a teacher. Some people may say the timing was wrong, but I say she came at the perfect at time in my life, and restored my faith in so many things that I had begun to lose sight of.
I spent part of my Mother's Day with my mom and we had lunch. Soon after, Lailah and I got dressed and spent the rest of the day with Omar.My first Mother's Day was beautiful, I really felt appreciated and blessed at the same time.
A Gift from Omar
too cute..